Murder Of Maria Marten

Ali Baba & the Faulty Sids

Ladies Who Lunch

Speed Dating

Gosforth's Fete

Panto - Sid The Kid

Good Night Mrs Puffin

Squire Sid

Fate Accompli

Sid And The Dragon

For Better For Worse

Rude Awakenings

Panto - Sid & the Lost Treasure

Mother Goose


Panto - Dick Whittington


Agatha Crusty & The Village Hall Murders

Cast list for "Squire Sid" - February 2014

Ben - James Pearce

Bonnie Bodger - Chelsea Cross

Clyde Bodger - Sheila Lewis

Delilah - Paul White

Fairy Dotty - David Maltby

Jacob Sladder - Mike Coles

Jerry - Tom Woodruff

Kate - Sophie James

Pennington Point - John Loveridge

Sid - Faye Chinery

Squire Hugo - John Rush

Villager 1 - Jacqui Maltby

Villager 2 - Anne Jones

Villager 3 - Yvonne Hartland

Villager 4 - Pam Ward

Villager 5 - Hazel Hallett

Villager 6 - Sue Gooding