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Don't Blame The Poor Producer!
Author: David Maltby
Sep 13th 2011, 17:55
Dear members of the plays' casts,
Recently you will have received a spate of emails advising you of changes, cancellations and additions to rehearsal schedules for both of Speed Dating and Gosforth's Fete.In case you should be muttering "Overkill" or if you should merely be wondering why you have received seven or eight emails saying much the same thing, let me make it very clear that it is NOT the fault of either of the plays' producers!
They have a suite of very cunningly arranged web pages that allow them to make the changes but then the WEB PAGES, not the producers, send the emails to alert cast members and persuade them to look again at the rehearsal page of the SIDS website.
If NEW rehearsals are put in place, each director has the facility to send ONE email to each cast member to advise of ALL new rehersals.
Unfortunately (for those who sit up at their computer way after midnight and prefer to complain rather than just to use their Delete button) the same is not true of their Amend Rehearsal or Delete Rehearsal pages. These pages send out emails each time they are used. Hence three cancelled rehearsals = three identical emails; four amended rehearsals = four identical emails to each member of the cast.
The fault, therefore lies with me, rather than with Judith or Lynden!
I apologise profusely to anyone who has been inconvenienced, albeit that "too much information" is probably better than "not enough", and I will be addressing the problem asap.
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